If asked, "What was Japan's bubble economy like?", I would show this video and answer, "It was like this." Impressive melody full of speed, dynamism, gorgeous, bravery and splendor. In 1990,this song was adopted as the commercial song for consumer finance "Takefuji". The "Takefuji Dancers", who performed a dance that was in perfect order and sharp like a razor in that commercial, took the world by storm.
Syhchronized Love / Joe Rinoie (CM adopted in 1990, CD released in 1995)
Lyrics(歌詞); https://bit.ly/SyhchronizedLove
English Version
「ロズウェル-星の恋人たち」(1999~2002年)の主題歌。 ロズウェル事件【※詳細下記】(1947年)をモチーフにした美しいSFロマンス。 日本では2001年にNHK教育TVで放映された。 主人公たちの純真で率直なコミュニケーションが心地よい。 The...
Fire Inc. - Tonight Is What It Means To Be Young (1984) Bonnie Tyler - Holding Out For A Hero (1984) Europe - The Final Count...
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